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“Climate School” participates in the Future Creation Laboratories at the World Media Congress

Written by: Naira Shanab

I participated
Founder of the Climate School Initiative, journalist and trainer Rahma Diaa, in the Future Creation Laboratories at the World Media Congress to talk about the future of environmental journalism, based on the experience of the pioneering initiative in developing environmental and climate journalism in the Middle East region.
And theThe second session of the World Media Congress, in Abu Dhabi, UAE, from November 14 to 16, focused specifically on environmental media in conjunction with the UAE’s upcoming hosting of the twenty-eighth Conference of the Parties (COP28).

Rahma Diaa was invited as a representative of the Climate School to speak during the Future of Environmental Journalism Laboratory about the challenges facing environmental media in the region. The Initiative Foundation reviewed the most prominent of these challenges, such as the lack of platforms specialized in disseminating climate change news and the scarcity of professional opportunities supporting journalists, including advanced training and production grants. And specialized fellowships, which has an impact on coverage of climate change, and several solutions were provided, inspired by the experience of the Climate School, in developing coverage of climate journalism in the region and making it more creative, sophisticated, and attractive to the public.