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“Climate stories in a new way with Climate School”... a new training series

The Climate School is organizing a series of training webinars under the title “Climate Stories in a New Look with the Climate School,” starting January 18.It aims to introduce fundamental changes to the traditional way of narrating climate stories, so that they become closer to people and more closely linked to their daily lives, more interesting and attractive in the way of visual and written narration, and rely on open sources of data and advanced tools to provide a more in-depth treatment. It does not merely ring alarm bells, but also proposes and discusses solutions.
The first session will be held on Thursday, January 18 at 6 pm Cairo time, entitled “How do we use Google’s tools for environmental and climate journalism?” and presented by trainer Pamela Keserwani, Teaching Fellow in the Google News Initiative, Middle East and North Africa region. 
The second session will be held on Saturday, January 27, at 6 pm Cairo time, entitled “How do we write data-driven climate stories?” Presented by trainer Maha Salah El-Din, Head of the Data and Information Auditing Department at Al-Masry Al-Youm newspaper.
The third session will be held on Thursday, February 1, at 6 pm Cairo time, entitled “How do we use Google’s tools for data visualization?” Presented by trainer Pamela Keserwani, Teaching Fellow at the Google News Initiative, Middle East and North Africa region. 
The fourth session will be held on Thursday, February 8, at 6 pm Cairo time, entitled “How do we write stories about climate solutions in a creative way?”, presented by trainer Rahma Diaa, founder of the Climate School. 
The fifth session will be held on Thursday, February 15, at 6 pm Cairo time, entitled “How do we write climate features?”, presented by journalist and trainer Hadeer Al-Hadary.
As for the sixth and final session on Thursday, February 22, at 6 pm Cairo time, entitled “How do we write investigative reports on climate issues?”, presented by trainer and investigative journalist Alia Abu Shahba.
This series comes within the framework of the initiative’s recent addition to the tenth session of the Steering Center Program for Emerging Media Initiatives, affiliated with the International Journalists’ Network and the International Center for Journalists.