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These sites will help you track your climate action efforts

Written by: Soria Bou Amer

Today the world faces enormous environmental challenges, the most important of which is climate change. Global awareness of the need for collective action to address these challenges has increased, and the need has emerged for effective tools to track progress on climate action at the international level.

Here is a group of the most important sites that track climate action, which monitor, analyze, and evaluate the efforts taken by countries to combat climate change.

Climate action tracking platform (Climate Action Tracker):

This platform provides independent analyzes of climate action efforts at the international level, evaluating the effectiveness of actions taken by countries and governments.

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change website (UNFCCC):

This website provides comprehensive information about the Paris Agreement, including the commitments of participating countries, the latest developments in the negotiations, and climate action news from around the world.

location "Climate Watch“:

 This website provides information about climate change, including climate change indicators, scientific data, and the impacts of climate change on various sectors.

location "Climate Home News“:

This site provides news and analysis on climate action from around the world, including coverage of the COPs, country news, and regional initiatives.