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5 workshops, a competition, and two partnerships...the harvest of 2021 at Al Manakh School

Within just 4 months of launching the Climate School initiative in July 2021, it achieved wide spread and gained the trust of hundreds of journalists in the Middle East and North Africa region.

During the past months, we organized five “online” training sessions on topics (biodiversity - mobile journalism for climate and environmental issues - basics of environmental journalism - preparing for the 2022 Climate Summit). More than 100 male and female journalists from Egypt, Yemen, Syria, Jordan, Palestine and Iraq participated in these sessions.


We also organized a competition for students of media colleges to publish topics on climate change, and three students from Egypt and Yemen won the competition. We presented them with in-kind prizes and certificates of appreciation, in addition to helping them publish their topics on the “Arab Light” website.

We held two partnerships, the first with the Egyptian Women Journalists Union. Through this partnership, we were able to provide three free scholarships for female journalists to participate in a long training course with the Union with the support of the Climate School. We also participated in training the course participants with a session on the basics of environmental and climate journalism.

We held the second partnership with the Humanitarian Journalism Foundation in Yemen and organized training in cooperation with them in which 25 journalists from Yemen participated. We provided them with editorial supervision to publish a number of environmental topics following the workshop, and the initiative received a shield of honor from the Humanitarian Journalism Foundation.

During these few months, we shared with you dozens of opportunities for grants, fellowships, and competitions through our Facebook page.