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Sites that provide free images for your climate stories

Written by: Aisha Ould Habib

There are many sites that provide free and useful images and videos to journalists, which helps them improve the quality of their reports and make them more attractive to readers. Therefore, we will present to you a group of these useful sites through which you can obtain free, high-quality images.

Climate Visuals 

It is a website that provides a collection of images related to climate change issues. Journalists can support their work by using these images to enhance their reports.


A free photo library of a large collection of high-quality images, covering a wide range of topics, including climate change and environmental issues, making it a useful resource for journalists looking for attractive, high-quality images.


 It is a website that contains a collection of images, video clips, animation, and graphs. It allows downloading resources without fees or copyrights in a free and easy way.


It is a platform that allows browsers to publish for free. It is considered one of the most important platforms that includes a large number of professional photographers.


It is a site that provides a variety of free design resources, including graphics, backgrounds, icons, and templates.


This site provides free images, which can be used freely in various projects, and can also be downloaded without copyright.