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Useful resources for journalists to write stories on agriculture and climate change issues

Written by: Aisha Ould Habib

The field of agriculture is considered one of the sectors most affected by climate change, as it depends heavily on weather and environmental conditions to ensure the production of sufficient food for humanity.

Sudden weather fluctuations, high temperatures and soil salinity may cause a problem with decreased farm productivity and crop quality.

For this reason, a deeper understanding of these issues is essential for journalists reporting on climate adaptation, and looking for ways to develop sustainable agricultural practices to address these challenges.

Many journalists face difficulties in accessing reliable and comprehensive sources to write stories on agriculture and climate change issues.

That is why we wanted to provide a group of reliable sources that can be relied upon to produce journalistic stories specific to the agriculture and climate change sectors.

These resources provide comprehensive, scientific information about the impacts of climate change on the agriculture sector, including scientific research, government reports, and community resources.

These sources also provide detailed analyzes and practical examples of how climate change will affect agriculture in different countries.

Here are the most important sites:

1. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

2. International Fund for Agricultural Development

3. Arab Organization for Agricultural Development

4. Association of Agricultural Research Institutions in the Middle East and North Africa

5. African Union

6. International Center for Sustainable Development and the Ocean

7. Animal Health Organization

8. World Meteorological Organization

9. World Bank

10. United Nations UNESCO programme

11. International Center for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA)