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The Climate School celebrates its two-year anniversary and trains 600 journalists

We celebrate with you the two-year anniversary of the launch of the Climate School Initiative in July 2021. During this period we achieved many successes together, the most prominent of which we will review here.

We provided 20 free training sessions over two years, benefiting more than 600 male and female journalists from the Middle East and North Africa region.

Our training topics varied between “writing stories about gender issues and climate change, producing and developing climate ideas, humanizing climate stories, producing podcasts about climate issues, enhancing access to grants and fellowships, preparing for press coverage of COP 27, writing about health issues and climate change, Creating ideas and applying journalistic quality standards in news coverage, mobile journalism on environmental and climate issues, and other diverse and rich topics.

We held 5 partnerships with local and international institutions. We also organized a competition for students of media colleges at the level of the Arab world. We spoke about the initiative in local and international conferences and received honors from Al-Ahram Canadian University and the “Yalla Volunteer” Foundation, in addition to previous honors from the Humanitarian Journalism Foundation in Yemen.

We shared hundreds of opportunities with you through our social networking sites.