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How to become a science journalist?.. A guide for the British Council

Written by: Widad Al-Saudi
The British Council in Egypt, in cooperation with science journalist Mohamed El-Sunbati, launched a guide entitled “How to become a science journalist?” This is within the framework of the training program on scientific journalism organized by the Council, and falls within its vision that aims to build capabilities in the fields of media and scientific communication.

The guide targets male and female journalists and those interested in covering scientific topics and writing about science. The guide helps them develop their knowledge and skills to become specialized science journalists.

The guide defines scientific journalism and the job of a scientific journalist, and explains the knowledge and skills needed, in addition to how to enter the field of scientific journalism.
The guide addresses a number of basic topics in the field of science journalism that provide an introduction to acquiring the basic scientific knowledge and skills that a science journalist must acquire, including: understanding what science is, the way it works, and how it is produced, in addition to reading and understanding scientific research papers.
The guide also warns science journalists during their work against false science and information that does not comply with scientific methodology, which will harm the reputation of the science journalist and may destroy his or her career.
The guide also includes the journalistic knowledge and skills necessary to produce scientific coverage and write about science, starting with finding ideas for scientific stories, through presenting scientific coverage ideas to scientific editors, and ending with writing attractive scientific topics.
The guide includes best practices and practical advice on covering science topics and writing about science, and provides science journalists with many tools and methods to help them produce their stories. The guide also provides many resources for journalists on science journalism.
Mohamed El-Sunbati is an award-winning Egyptian science journalist in the field of science journalism, a trainer in the fields of science journalism and science communication, and a science communication consultant for many international organizations, such as the British Council and the American University in Cairo. He has 9 years of professional experience as a freelance science journalist, having published more than 650 scientific topics in many prestigious international outlets.

You can view the guide from here