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Watch our live session on writing data-driven climate stories

On Saturday, January 27, 2024, the second session of the series of open sessions organized by the Climate School was launched under the title “Climate Stories in a New Form,” in which the trainer Maha Salah El-Din, Head of the Data and Information Auditing Department at Al-Masry Al-Youm newspaper, lectured, where she provided the participants with a valuable training course and participated Her expertise is in data journalism and effective climate storytelling.
More than 60 male and female journalists from more than 15 Arab countries participated in the session, and it included several basic topics, starting with a discussion of data science and its relationship to creating journalistic stories supported by data. The importance of data journalism in telling climate stories and highlighting environmental changes was highlighted, as well as explaining why it is important for climate stories to start with reliable data. He also highlighted the importance of using open data resources in reporting and investigative journalism. The session discussed how to use interactive and innovative presentation methods to make data-backed stories more attractive and interactive for readers. The session discussed ways to create new angles on previously told stories and highlight the differences between a regular story and a data-driven story. Finally, a group of tools that can be used as open sources to obtain reliable data and information were mentioned.
You can refer to the live broadcast of the session via our Facebook page from here