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Your guide to environmental initiatives and institutions active in Yemen

Books - Jalal Al-Samadi

Yemen is one of the countries facing major challenges in the field of the environment as a result of climate change and armed conflicts taking place in the country. However, many institutions, organizations and initiatives in Yemen are working to protect the environment, enhance environmental sustainability and encourage community participation in its protection and development by organizing awareness campaigns, workshops and training. For the local community.

Below are the most important institutions, organizations and initiatives working in the field of environment and climate, starting with the government side represented by the Ministry of Water and Environment, which is the main institution responsible for protecting the environment and coordinating environmental efforts in the country and is considered one of the most prominent government institutions working in this field, as it plays a major role in setting national policies, legislation and plans. To protect the environment and coordinate work with the relevant authorities to protect the diverse environment in Yemen.
In addition to many institutions, organizations and initiatives working in the field of environment and climate in Yemen, journalists wishing to do reports, investigations or press stories related to environmental and climate issues can contact them by clicking on the links to their Facebook page and accessing the information, activities and projects that they are undertaking, especially in Field of environment and climate:-

1-Humanitarian Journalism Foundation.

2-Tamdeen Foundation

3-Sustainable Development Foundation

4-Young Leaders Foundation

•Secondly, local initiatives working in the field of environment and climate in Yemen:-
There are many local non-governmental initiatives that work to protect the environment and promote sustainability in Yemen, and the most important of these initiatives are:

1-Green Dream Initiative

2-Green Film Initiative

3-Green Voices Initiative

4- Shabab House Initiative

-Photo from Green Dream Facebook page