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“Podcast”: How is an environmental project in Egypt restoring mangroves and combating climate change?


Prepared and presented by: Hadeer Al-Hadary

An environmental project in Egypt is helping to combat the effects of climate change by planting mangroves on Egypt's Red Sea coast.
The Mangrove Ecosystem Restoration (MERS) project works with the community using nature-based solutions to combat the effects of climate change. It is implemented by the Center for Applied Research in Environment and Sustainability (CARES), at the American University in Cairo, and is funded through HSBC Bank. Through the “Climate Solutions” partnership.

Listen to this podcast about the project, in which journalist Hadeer El-Hadary and scientist Dr. Yasmine Abdel Maksoud, director of the project, speak in partnership with “Info Nile”, and with funding from the JRS Biodiversity Foundation and the Water and Development Partnership Program of IHE Delft.