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Climate Mail: A roadmap for effective environmental journalism

Written by: Soria Bou Amer
Under the title “Climate Mail,” Khaled Suleiman, an Iraqi journalist and writer specializing in environmental affairs, prepared a journalistic guide for environmental journalism and climate change directed at journalists in the Middle East and North Africa region, within the framework of the Media Lab Environment project, which is a project of the French Media Development Agency funded by the Ministry of Europe. And foreign affairs.
This guide is a unique publication of its kind, as it provides a comprehensive roadmap for journalists wishing to specialize in the field of environment and climate change in the Middle East and North Africa region.
 The guide is divided into four chapters as follows:
In the first chapter, “Climate at the Heart of the Journalism Profession,” the author discusses the importance of covering environmental and climate issues in light of the challenges facing the region, and explains the role of journalism in spreading awareness and changing behaviors.
In the second chapter, “Climate Change in the Middle East and North Africa,” Suleiman provides a comprehensive analysis of the impacts of climate change on the region, focusing on the social, economic, and political aspects.
In the third chapter, “Solutions and Environment Journalism,” it discusses tools and techniques for writing effective press reports on environmental and climate issues, with a focus on solutions and positive stories.
The fourth chapter, “Environment and Journalism,” presents a set of advice and resources for journalists who wish to specialize in the field of environment and climate.
The journalist specializing in environmental affairs stresses in the guide the importance of allocating more space to environmental and climate issues in the media, and developing journalists’ skills in covering this type of issues.
It also calls for the need for cooperation between journalists, experts and civil society to spread awareness about issues related to the environment.
The “Journalistic Guide on the Environment and Climate Change in the Middle East and North Africa” is a wake-up call and a roadmap for effective environmental journalism that can contribute to bringing about positive change in the region.
You can download the full guide from here Link Through the Arab Network for Scientific Journalism website.