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An audio guide to correcting wrong journalistic practices in cooperation with “Laha Podcast”

The Climate School cooperated with the “Laha podcast“In producing an audio guide to correct a number of incorrect journalistic practices in climate journalism. How can we replace them with better practices that help attract the audience and gain their trust?

Here are the most prominent of these wrong practices and how to correct them:

First error:

Using complex scientific language and writing specialized terms without explaining them

The correct thing:

Simplifying the content, explaining any specialized term, and addressing the reader in a language he understands

Second error:

Focus coverage on disasters and negative news only

The correct thing:

Coverage varies between reviewing problems and discussing proposed solutions

Third error:

Limit yourself to written text and ignore the world of multimedia

The correct thing:

Using graphics, infographics, videos, and podcasts to provide attractive content and reach different segments of the audience

Fourth error:

Only communicate with official sources, researchers and experts

The correct thing:

Listening to the opinions of ordinary people and presenting their human stories

Fifth error:

Publishing numbers or information from unreliable sources and not mentioning their source

The correct thing:

Returning to primary sources of data, such as the websites of official bodies, international organizations, research centers, scientific journals, and international reports, mentioning the source, and verifying the information from more than one source.

Sixth error:

Falling into the trap of promoting people or companies and contributing to “greenwashing” operations.

The correct thing:

Searching for evidence to confirm the sincerity of the promises made to the public and ensuring that those in charge of the projects do not have other activities that are harmful to the environment

Seventh mistake:

Just follow local news about climate change

The correct thing:

Follow the most prominent local, regional and international events, policies and policies and compare what is happening locally with the international level

Eighth error:

Stagnation and lack of learning and developing journalistic skills

The correct thing:

Obtain training workshops to acquire skills, learn new tools, keep up with trends, and follow the “Climate School”!

You can listen to the guide episode from here.