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Here are the most prominent effective environmental initiatives in Jordan

Written by: Mahmoud Al-Shaboul

In recent years, a number of associations and initiatives concerned with environmental preservation have emerged in Jordan. It has established many projects, activities and events that contribute to raising the level of awareness and introducing the importance of preserving the environment, highlighting environmental and climate issues, and supporting the various affected sectors to achieve a tangible impact on society. It has also had a participatory role with the Ministry of Environment and organizations concerned with this issue, and here are the most prominent of these. Initiatives and associations:

• Youth Alliance for Environmental Development
The Youth Alliance for Environmental Development - Towards Climate Justice is a strategic alliance consisting of a network of youth organizations and the private sector working in the field of sustainability and development. It is an alliance that contributes to addressing environmental issues, enhancing the capacity of local communities to confront climate change, and increasing local community participation in decision-making and evaluation processes. For local policies in Jordan in line with global sustainable development goals.

The coalition includes the following institutions:

Ard Al-Sindyan Association for Environmental Development, Zawaya Youth Space for Research and Development, Hekaya Center for Local Community Development

The coalition began last year with a series of discussion sessions for the national adaptation plan issued by the Jordanian Ministry of Environment, bringing together young people, experts and representatives of the relevant ministries, to reach recommendations that would raise the readiness of the national plan to meet all the necessary needs for adaptation on the ground. 15 discussion sessions were implemented on vital sectors. Which were mentioned in the National Adaptation Plan, and others that were not mentioned in cooperation with several partners from civil and official institutions. The work includes a comprehensive research study after which recommendations will be launched in an inclusive conference that includes young people, decision-makers and concerned parties.

A shadow report was launched and submitted to the High Commissioner for Human Rights in implementation of United Nations General Assembly Resolution No. 250/60 of March 15, 2006 regarding the universal periodic review. The report monitored the human rights situation of the most vulnerable groups in Jordanian society in light of the existing or expected climate changes.

• Ard Al-Sindyan Association for Environmental Development
It is a women’s association (all members of its board of directors are women). It is a member of the Youth Alliance for Environmental Development and is one of the associations active in the environmental and climate field. It has a number of activities and projects, such as the “Producers” project. A number of women farmers were trained to reduce the negative carbon footprint on natural resources, the most important of which is Soil Women were also trained to exploit agricultural and household organic waste to make compost fertilizer in order to replace chemical fertilizer on farms.
The association held a number of lectures, awareness seminars, and discussion sessions in the field of environment and climate, in cooperation with the Ministry of Environment and a number of partners. It also participated in a number of local and international conferences.

Its website can be accessed from here

• Green Generation Foundation
It is an association active in the environmental and climate field and a partner with the Nation for Earth Alliance and a number of initiatives and associations that work to preserve the environment.

Implemented a biodiversity program on how to invest in nature-based solutions and sustainable practices to create biodiversity and enhance its presence in urban areas in cooperation with the Jordanian Environmental Academy.
The association has initiatives implemented through Jordanian universities to encourage students to pursue specialized studies in the field of environment and climate. It also holds a number of awareness seminars and workshops, as well as publishes publications calling for maintaining a safe environment.

Its website can be accessed from here

• Irbid Environmental Conservation Association
It is considered one of the active associations that have a role in preserving the environment through a number of purposeful projects. The association pays attention to environmental awareness by holding events, plays, competitions, and seminars for school students to promote environmental culture, as well as by establishing initiatives with local community institutions such as municipalities, such as the ( Initiative: Your breakfast is on us and your bag is in your car) which aims to reduce the throwing of waste from cars and has a number of other specific activities.

There are a number of institutions and initiatives that are not specialized in the environmental field, but they had programs, projects, and companies that supported the environment, such as the Liwan Youth Space, the Issab Center, the Hekaya Center for Community Development, the Zawaya Youth Space, and other initiatives and institutions interested in environmental affairs.

The photo is from the Green Generation Foundation page.